Games 2 Learn Chinese Chinese learning tools from LITTLENEX! Try them free here.

Chinese Lessons Online
Combined with Games

Games 2 Learn Chinese lions
Sample Lesson

See a FREE lesson here, or explore our free version games with free access to their attached lesson.

The LITTLENEX Chinese learning program is where you will find all unlocked content with a minimum 6-month membership.

Chinese Lesson Structure

Lessons are gradual, easy-to-understand, and organized around key concepts.

Chinese lesson curriculum

Sample Lesson

Chinese Lesson Plans

LITTLENEX Chinese lessons include:

Chinese Lesson Objectives

Most lessons aim at teaching Chinese in general, from beginner levels to advanced levels.

However, some of our games and vocabulary lists specifically prepare for the HSK exams. Learn more on the HSK here.

Chinese Lessons are Paired with Games

The LITTLENEX Chinese learning program uses games as an illustration or practice to the lessons.

Any available game is offered at the end of the lesson, and you can go back and forth between the lesson and the game should you need it.

Some games are also used as exercises to memorize the vocabulary words of the lessons.

If you are signed-in at, points gained in the games add up reinforcing your character's strength and help you advance in a role-playing game played alongside the lessons.

Game / Lesson Combination

Repetition and targeted memorization solidify your learning as you play simple, quick, and easy games.

Chinese lesson combined with Chinese learning game

Play Game

Games with a Specific Lesson Topic

Each Chinese lesson contains the vocabulary words featured in the game (pinyin and English included) and a clear explanation with examples regarding the grammar or usage rule in focus.

The link to the lesson is offered at the beginning of the game, and again during gameplay, usually at game over.

Cheating is Learning too!

Cheatsheets are sometimes available as well within the game, allowing you to learn before you play.

Or you can also dive right in the game, and then review its cheatsheet to confidently own what you have just learned with the game!

Chinese Learning Tools

You will also find quizzes, audio-visual exercises, useful appendices, and activities.

Chinese learning tools


Learn Your Own Way

Quizzes at all levels of the curriculum serve as progress checkpoints: after each lesson, each end of course, and each level reached.

Audio-visual activities offer a diversified approach to learning, as well as visual aids such as wallpapers.

Blank writing sheets and writing sheets for Chinese character writing practice are also available.

More as a Member

The role-playing game at LITTLENEX contains puzzles and online exhibitions to strengthen your learning process.

Sign up to enjoy the benefits of the complete learning program!

Role-Playing Game

The role-playing game in the LITTLENEX Chinese Learning program online is an extra motivation to active learning!

Learn Chinese online in a role-playing game

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A Hero's Journey

The Chronicles of LITTLENEX is a one-player role-playing game in seek-and-find mode where learning Chinese helps you solve riddles to unravel the mysterious past of the Gatekeepers.

If you are signed-in at, points gained in the lesson games add up reinforcing your character's strength and help you go forward in the role-playing game played alongside the lessons.

Experiential Learning

The process of experiential learning within the confines of a game anchors grammar points and/or vocabulary in the learner's long-term memory.

Sign up at LITTLENEX and learn Chinese in a world of epic adventures!