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Chinese Reading Practice

Beginner Chinese reading practice

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Nursery Rhymes For Bilingual Parents Chinese Riddles

These Chinese short stories are part of the LITTLENEX Chinese learning program.

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Chinese Nursery Rhymes

Chinese text, Pinyin and English toggle, translation and annotations

Dǎ dà mài

Toggle Pinyin Toggle English


One basket of barley, two baskets of barley, three baskets, let’s start threshing barley. Here’s a pig for you, we’re threshing much barley, here’s a lamb for you, we’re threshing barley loudly.


两 liǎng means "two" (amount). When you want to say "2" (number), use 二 èr.

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Many more Chinese nursery rhymes are free for LITTLENEX Members. Sign up for full access!

Chinese Nursery Rhymes

For Parents

Chinese text, word-for-word Pinyin, and English translation

nursery rhyme sample

This is part of the LITTLENEX Chinese learning program. Sign up to get the complete eBook!

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Chinese Reading Practice

Chinese Text, Pinyin, and English

The Chinese text appears with the pinyin transcription directly above each Chinese character. The English translation is shown right below each Chinese character as well so the beginner student can learn to recognize the meaning of individual Chinese characters while understanding at the same time the general meaning of the sentence or group of characters.

Because the stories selected here come from nursery rhymes and riddles for children, the Chinese vocabulary presented in this section is simple, useful, and of easy access to any beginner learner.

Our Chinese language eBooks in PDF format all have a clean and elegant design and are optimized to be viewed at a 65-75% magnification level.

These Chinese language ebooks and texts are part of the LITTLENEX Chinese Learning Program.

Chinese Riddles

Chinese, word-for-word Pinyin, and word-for-word English

chinese riddle sample

These Chinese riddles are free for LITTLENEX members. Sign up for full access.

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